Once he switched the account to private, that number jumped to 100,000-an impressive increase. In an interview with The Atlantic, Reid Hailey, the founder of Doing Things-an agency that manages Instagram pages with a total of over 14 million followers-said that when one of his large accounts was public it was growing at a rate of 10,000 new followers per week. And brands like Everlane have launched new private accounts. Recently we’ve seen big meme pages, such as Couplesnote (8.2 million followers), switch to private accounts. It also means that any non-followers who want to see your content have to submit a follow request. Even if you’re using popular hashtags, your posts will still be hidden from those searches. Setting your account to private on Instagram means that only people who follow you can see and engage with your content. Why brands are making their Instagram accounts private So, we decided to find out why-and whether it’s something you should consider doing for you brand. Some brands and influencers are starting to change their public Instagram accounts to private, or create new accounts that are private from the get-go.Īdding a barrier to fans wanting to follow you might seem like a strange idea, but it’s gaining traction.